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I don’t think that’s gay to call a person babe i know people nickname babe one is a female and the other is a male. Grow up, graduate, and get paid!!!!! Hoes gossip!!! Go to his neighborhood n do research n see wat comes up. Only hoes n hoe ni**az think with they heartsbn assumptions. Kilts!!! Slow broke as ni**a catch up on fashion n I rich world!!! What did irish men wear? Exactly!!! Think wit ya mind. If u kno wat Givenchy is its foreign attire. So if u ain built like da stories u writin fall bak. Im a 1000 percent street ni**a snd I kno youngin gon go in. Cuz gay or not, the same muh***a who came up with this story his broad will fu** that young ni**a. Does that make him gay? Texas rappers say baby after dam near everything and they getn money, does that make them gay? Cali ni**az dance in fruity as clown clothes and do some sh** called Hyphy are they gay? Snoop aka Uncle Lion was a pimp and wore nail polish, is he gay? Give that young ni**a credit instead of downin young ni**az who overcame their street struggles. If u take lil sh** ta mind and u dont kno these people (Young Thug/Anybody) personally that makes u gay at heart cuz you’re miserable.

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